Blog Post: Anew

I rebuilt my site. I’ll add back some of my previous posts in time.

@scottaw Nice post Scott. I personally am trying to beat my last record from Wordpress to Statamic, with Statamic to Hugo, before I try another CMS 👍🏻
@scottaw Also, found the /rss.xml but it’s slightly trimmed. Any plans for a full RSS implementation for the new site?

@chidgey Working on it. Unfortunately I’m struggling to get the contents of an MDX file outside the Astro context because it’s output as a function that I don’t know how to handle in the straight js file that’s creating the RSS.

In case you’re wondering what I’m babbling about, there are one or two peculiarities necessitated by Astro framework assumptions, and I’m bumping into one of them.

The other main one was they didn’t natively support paging the index page, so I had to build that. 🤦‍♂️

@scottaw All good Scott! It’s on the roadmap…I’m sure you’ll nail it 👍🏻😊

@chidgey Ok, I think I got it…

I still need to tweak it and add some of the usual meta elements, but it should be subscribe-able with full body text. The styled preview in the browser still doesn’t show the full articles, but the rss items have them and they should show for you. I tried it with Reeder and it worked for me.

I moved individual posts out of /posts (besides modifying the feed) so my one post may appear as new to you again.


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