
SBS Japanese - SBSの日本語放送 Celebrating the New Japan Era Away From Home - 豪州からもお祝いを、記帳所初日のインタビュー overcast.fm/+jjkKAUuY

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly for May 02, 2019


Overcast podcast clip sharing, shooting sprees aren’t newsworthy anymore, Amazon gets even creepier, Peter Mayhew dies at 74, and more.

BubbleSort TV Game of Thrones S08E02: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms April 26, 2019 overcast.fm/+ORLwSzFog

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly for 4/24/2019


AirPods with your AirPods, regulating technology, Facebook makes more by being evil, SpaceX and Boeing emergency abort systems, and more!

backspace.fm #288:記者・嘉島唯さんのロジックはどこにある? overcast.fm/+Bj6Fvdwc8

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 5


iTunes must die, iOS 13, Wisconsin gets the con in Foxconn, Facebook and Google are still creepy, and more!

backspace.fm #286:【謝罪会見】ドリキン、怒涛の2週間を総括する overcast.fm/+Bj6Ef4MP8

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 4


T2 performs, Netflix lacks courage, Japanese banks look at the calendar, AI knows when you’ll die, Xi creeps me out, and more!!

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 3


You probably thought I forgot this week’s WTF Weekly, didn’t you?

(I almost did)

Never point out that Steve Jobs was primarily an asshole.

I admire the guy’s accomplishments. I grew up watching the Apple and Microsoft wars and using Apple II’s and Macs.

Steve Jobs was still an asshole.

New WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 2


Cardhop, viewer data privacy, GOP soul-selling, creepy Hinckley, TO THE MOON!! … and more.

Still Rendering // スティル・レンダリング エピソード2: 馴れ初めと遠距離リレーションシップ overcast.fm/+NJP8GCNl8

backspace.fm #284:IT業界の生きた歴史、荻窪圭さんのすべて overcast.fm/+Bj6Ehyxdk

backspace.fm Danbo-Side #043:Appleの次の製品、サービスをDANBOさんと考える overcast.fm/+Bj6HErxYs


Mastodon は、オープンなウェブプロトコルを採用した、自由でオープンソースなソーシャルネットワークです。電子メールのような分散型の仕組みを採っています。