
Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 5


iTunes must die, iOS 13, Wisconsin gets the con in Foxconn, Facebook and Google are still creepy, and more!

backspace.fm #286:【謝罪会見】ドリキン、怒涛の2週間を総括する overcast.fm/+Bj6Ef4MP8

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 4


T2 performs, Netflix lacks courage, Japanese banks look at the calendar, AI knows when you’ll die, Xi creeps me out, and more!!

Fresh WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 3


You probably thought I forgot this week’s WTF Weekly, didn’t you?

(I almost did)

Never point out that Steve Jobs was primarily an asshole.

I admire the guy’s accomplishments. I grew up watching the Apple and Microsoft wars and using Apple II’s and Macs.

Steve Jobs was still an asshole.

New WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 2


Cardhop, viewer data privacy, GOP soul-selling, creepy Hinckley, TO THE MOON!! … and more.

Still Rendering // スティル・レンダリング エピソード2: 馴れ初めと遠距離リレーションシップ overcast.fm/+NJP8GCNl8

backspace.fm #284:IT業界の生きた歴史、荻窪圭さんのすべて overcast.fm/+Bj6Ehyxdk

backspace.fm Danbo-Side #043:Appleの次の製品、サービスをDANBOさんと考える overcast.fm/+Bj6HErxYs

WTF Weekly: WTF Weekly 1

Dead Cows, black boxes, iPads, security nightmares, and raging F1 drivers.



Mastodon は、オープンなウェブプロトコルを採用した、自由でオープンソースなソーシャルネットワークです。電子メールのような分散型の仕組みを採っています。